Voicelinx: The Quick, Easy Way to Enable Calls in Microsoft Teams.
Voicelinx allows the Bring Your Own Carrier (BYOC) feature to Microsoft Teams which gives enterprise customers the ability to use their existing phone numbers and benefit from cheap call packages. Your numbers can be ported to our platform and pointed to Teams Users, Auto Attendants or Call queues on the Microsoft Teams Phone platform.
Voicelinx provides such a smooth, seamless transition that you will be up and running within hours with no disruption to users. Telephony migration is easier than ever with Voicelinx.
Any multinational company can use the Microsoft Teams phone system, regardless of whether Microsoft has a native service in the country or where your offices are located. The Voicelinx infrastructure operates across 4 continents, providing truly global coverage that allows your business to enjoy all the advantages of cloud-based telephony.
Technical knowledge isn’t necessary, since our solution is customer-ready and can take just 15 minutes to get customers set up. No PowerShell or SBC administration knowledge is needed since Voicelinx takes care of the technicalities. You immediately get to take advantage of the latest enhanced communications whilst saving costs.
- Discover the boost your teams get from a new way of collaborating
- Use a solution that’s customer-ready
- The Voicelinx family of services help customers along their journey to Microsoft Teams